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Mowing Snowballs

April 2012

Lawn mowing in Spring is a very difficult task to get done and stay ahead of. My days tend to be pretty long during planting season, which makes it tough to get the mowing done. Fortunately I live ¼ mile off the road and not in a neighborhood that demands a perfectly manicured lawn. It is truly impressive to me to see some of the lawns that people have. I have often said that if I would spray my lawn for weeds, I wouldn’t have any more lawn. Ha!

This week really wasn’t much different.  Here it was Saturday, and the lawn hadn’t been mowed yet.  I made it home for supper with the family and spent time watching Little House on the Prairie with them.  We read them their Bible stories, prayed and got them to bed, and I found myself with less than an hour of daylight left.  Should I or shouldn’t I?  Yes, I should.

I bundled up with bibs and overcoat and gloves and ventured out. Mowing goes pretty fast and it's really not too difficult. I really wanted to get the whole yard finished, but I was running out of time. I kept going. As it started to get dark, I found myself still mowing.  Somehow, even without lights on the mower, I was still able to see where I had mowed and where I still needed to get. I really didn’t think much about it until I was almost done. It was dark with no moon or stars, and I had just a little help from the yard light, so why is it I could see what still needed to be mowed? It was the snowballs.

My yard was covered in dandelions that were completely headed out and ready for seeding. As I mowed, I was able to see all these white snowballs covering the ground. As cold as it was and with all these whites seeds flying around me with the little white balls on the grass, it seemed like I was mowing in a snowstorm.
Isn’t it funny sometimes what God uses? Most of us consider dandelions to be a weed, pest, and nuisance and spend much time and money to get rid of them. What is funny is that it is likely the most picked-and-given-to-mom-or-dad flower in the whole world. It is also probably the most organically used face paint known to kids today. This yummy weed is eaten in salads and made into wine. And, of course, it's one of the hardiest of weeds and most difficult to get out of your yard. Most important of all, though, it helps you mow in the dark!
I am a firm believer that God sees us much like dandelions, but not as weeds to be eradicated. He sees us like children view dandelions…beautiful, resourceful and useful. We are a perfect gift to share with others, resilient and hardy with deep roots in Him…a light in the darkness.

This world is pretty good at treating us like a worthless weed and trying to “get rid” of us, but that is not who we are.  We have been invited to be God’s children, brothers and sisters to Jesus. He has made us beautiful flowers in his wonderful garden. Maybe in the world’s eyes we aren’t the prettiest, the most handsome, the smartest, the skinniest, the most talented, but that doesn’t matter.  We are precious…precious enough for someone to die for. 
Thank God for you….you are a dandy dandelion.  Love someone today.  Give them a dandelion.


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